1.   LIFESPAN--USER -- is an input parameter specifying the LIFESPAN user name and password denoting the owner and manager of the root package structure.

2.   It then requests that all modules in the root package structure are read out into the directory specified in LIFESPAN--USER.

3.   The number of modules to be contained in the root package structure supplied to GENERATE--ROOT--PACKAGE is invalid.

4.   Daddy often teased them about being the root structure of the most efficient church grape vine in south Florida.

5.   The crop has come along nicely in the past two weeks but the portions planted in wet ground have poor root structures.

6.   Heat and drought affect the new root structure more than an older, mature golf course.

n. + structure >>共 662
command 7.32%
management 5.48%
tax 3.30%
cost 2.91%
ownership 2.43%
fee 2.36%
salary 2.12%
government 1.73%
steel 1.66%
capital 1.46%
root 0.21%
root + n. >>共 143
cause 30.74%
vegetable 7.79%
ball 6.20%
growth 3.90%
end 3.75%
package 3.46%
server 2.74%
problem 2.60%
rot 1.88%
zone 1.59%
structure 0.87%
每页显示:    共 6