1.   Like that ancient fish, it is a living relic, yet its roots stretch deeper than the oldest fossils.

2.   Should they abandon the town where their roots stretch back to the gold rush or abandon an occupation that runs through their blood?

3.   Their roots stretched present involved in music, social work, anthropology, restaurants, clinical psychology and psychology.

4.   Vanderhoop, a member of the Wampanoag tribe, is an islander whose Vineyard roots stretch back hundreds of years.

5.   The roots stretch even deeper through the lowbrow entertainment of tabloids and freak shows.

6.   The venerable heist flick, whose roots stretch back to the earliest days of film, is having a banner year.

n. + stretch >>共 645
line 3.85%
weather 1.13%
rain 0.85%
talk 0.85%
day 0.85%
queue 0.75%
leg 0.75%
field 0.66%
thunderstorm 0.66%
condition 0.56%
root 0.56%
root + v. >>共 158
be 34.01%
go 6.40%
grow 6.06%
run 3.54%
lie 2.53%
have 1.68%
develop 1.68%
cause 1.35%
need 1.18%
begin 1.18%
stretch 1.01%
每页显示:    共 6