1.   Another disease that strikes azaleas is root rot, which is usually triggered by poor drainage.

2.   Clyde says the tree suffers root rot.

3.   I apparently had overwatered it, and I fear that it might have developed root rot.

4.   I dream of water sprinklers, cinch bugs and root rot.

5.   It does prefer good drainage and may suffer cotton root rot if the soil is too alkaline.

6.   Make sure your planters have adequate drainage to prevent root rot.

7.   No caravans of well-heeled looky-loos are seen trooping through the place, flushing toilets and inspecting the infield grass for root rot.

8.   Plants sometimes succumb to cotton root rot in alkaline soils.

9.   Rust and fusarium root rot are more common problems.

10.   Sometimes, too, disease organisms, such as root rot, attack infected roots.

n. + rot >>共 22
root 32.50%
blossom 5.00%
bunch 5.00%
cotton 5.00%
end 5.00%
mouth 5.00%
water 5.00%
belly 2.50%
board 2.50%
garlic 2.50%
root + n. >>共 143
cause 30.74%
vegetable 7.79%
ball 6.20%
growth 3.90%
end 3.75%
package 3.46%
server 2.74%
problem 2.60%
rot 1.88%
zone 1.59%
每页显示:    共 13