1.   People looking for a way to warm a cool room will find many sizes and styles of room heaters.

2.   Since safety is often a factor when buying a room heater, there are some things consumers should look for to ensure that a heater meets minimum safety standards.

3.   But the coroner found that carbon monoxide from a faulty room heater killed him.

4.   His lawyers said the girls were poisoned accidentally by gas that leaked from a faulty room heater.

5.   Police believe Kang tumbled and bumped into a room heater after being hit and died of shock.

n. + heater >>共 54
water 49.88%
gas 10.47%
kerosene 8.48%
propane 3.99%
baseboard 2.24%
immersion 2.00%
hot-water 2.00%
fan 2.00%
pool 1.75%
storage 1.25%
room 1.25%
room + n. >>共 383
rate 16.25%
door 4.84%
key 3.03%
number 3.03%
price 2.62%
window 2.62%
floor 1.82%
divider 1.61%
table 1.31%
fire 1.21%
heater 0.50%
每页显示:    共 5