1.   But, in our experience, having separate office space is better, even if the separation is just a portable room divider.

2.   Frame the stage with spindly gold room dividers.

3.   I saw when they put in the staircase and the room dividers.

4.   It is so sophisticated, it is not even known as a door, much less as a room divider.

5.   Mies van der Rohe used room dividers as integral parts of his plans for his open pavilion designs.

6.   One modular room divider, designed by Pierluigi Spadolini and Paolo Felli, is composed of white cylinders arranged vertically.

7.   Situated between the bed and the couch, the screen can be seen from either side and also functions as a room divider.

8.   The clips can be used to make temporary curtains or room dividers.

9.   These freestanding units make great room dividers.

10.   They were on the beach, sitting on the thick wool blankets they use as room dividers, by the time the sweep came near their hiding spot.

n. + divider >>共 28
center 18.39%
room 18.39%
road 17.24%
highway 9.20%
freeway 3.45%
lane 3.45%
cubicle 2.30%
office 2.30%
shelf 2.30%
wall 2.30%
room + n. >>共 383
rate 16.25%
door 4.84%
key 3.03%
number 3.03%
price 2.62%
window 2.62%
floor 1.82%
divider 1.61%
table 1.31%
fire 1.21%
每页显示:    共 16