1.   It would be possible to have a greater thickness of roof insulation if a trussed rafter roof were used.

2.   The work will include cavity wall insulation, roof insulation, double glazing and installation of energy efficient heating systems.

3.   Talk of ceramic tiles, roof insulation, glass and chemicals flowed far more fluently than political haggling over minority rights and diplomatic ties.

n. + insulation >>共 60
fiberglass 20.51%
foam 17.95%
attic 9.23%
cellulose 4.62%
pipe 4.10%
floor 3.08%
loft 2.56%
rubber 2.56%
roof 2.05%
tube 2.05%
roof + n. >>共 217
tile 11.41%
line 6.18%
shingle 6.18%
leak 4.52%
top 3.09%
vent 2.62%
beam 2.26%
repair 2.14%
panel 2.14%
terrace 2.02%
insulation 0.48%
每页显示:    共 4