1.   The rocket launched two communications satellites.

2.   Big rockets can launch warheads as easily as astronauts and throughout the space age have been used interchangeably for such wildly dissimilar jobs.

3.   A Delta II rocket will launch the Orbiter from the Cape Canaveral Air Station, next to Kennedy Space Center.

4.   Chinese rockets will launch the Loral satellite and have joined with the Philippine Satellite Corp. in the Mubuhay project.

5.   Communication satellites are getting bigger and heavier, and it takes more powerful rockets to launch them.

6.   Eight Deltas will launch five satellites while Russian and Chinese rockets will launch the other vehicles.

7.   Iridium, whose largest shareholder is Motorola Inc., will put the satellites aloft using Russian Proton rockets launched from the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan in western Asia.

8.   One of the beneficiaries of that decision, it now turns out, was China Aerospace because its rockets could launch American satellites.

9.   This unit, named Zarya after the Russian word for sunrise, is to lift off Friday atop a Proton rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

10.   Under federal export rules, U.S. companies are supposed to take careful precautions to safeguard classified technology when their satellites are launched by Chinese rockets.

n. + launch >>共 753
police 8.89%
force 7.75%
government 7.47%
authority 4.70%
company 4.37%
rebel 4.25%
army 3.79%
troop 3.63%
group 2.12%
official 1.98%
rocket 0.56%
rocket + v. >>共 179
hit 13.81%
land 7.42%
be 6.74%
fall 6.19%
explode 5.77%
slam 5.57%
fire 3.23%
strike 3.09%
carry 2.54%
propel 2.54%
launch 1.86%
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