1.   He himself was wounded by shrapnel from exploding bombs, and burned when his jet was destroyed by the malfunctioning rocket that set off the conflagration.

2.   He becomes hope, even when a rocket destroys his cello.

3.   A rocket destroyed a school where some of the hostages, including women and children, had been held.

4.   A rocket destroyed a school, where some of the hostages had been held.

5.   Another rocket destroyed the office of the health minister.

6.   One rocket destroyed a school where some of the hostages, including women and children, had been held.

7.   Police said one rocket destroyed the office of provincial Health Minister Shamim Ahmed.

8.   Three homes were destroyed by rockets, and four bodies removed from the rubble.

9.   Guerrillas fired automatic weapons and rockets also destroying two trucks, a tank and a jeep, the spokesman said.

10.   Hans Koschnik, the EU administrator of the southern city of Mostar, divided between Croats and Moslems, escaped Saturday when an anti-tank rocket destroyed his hotel room.

n. + destroy >>共 846
fire 9.80%
bomb 3.99%
explosion 3.51%
blast 3.10%
force 2.94%
troop 2.04%
attack 1.40%
missile 1.21%
blaze 1.08%
army 1.08%
rocket 0.51%
rocket + v. >>共 179
hit 13.81%
land 7.42%
be 6.74%
fall 6.19%
explode 5.77%
slam 5.57%
fire 3.23%
strike 3.09%
carry 2.54%
propel 2.54%
destroy 1.10%
每页显示:    共 16