1.   As he roamed the aisles with a microphone, he barraged them with visions of wealth.

2.   At the Krusty Bakery, coffee is sold through a bulletproof glass partition, and elsewhere, mothers roam the aisles of cut-rate clothing stores.

3.   Besides the robbers, a singing cowboy roams the aisles entertaining passengers and encouraging sing-alongs.

4.   A couple of dogs roam the aisles of work cubicles, which are separated by shoulder-high partitions.

5.   But at the end of the day is it as much fun as roaming the aisles of your local Target after work or on a lazy Sunday afternoon?

6.   Individuals roam the aisles with rifles slung over their shoulders, their asking prices taped to signs on their backs or fluttering from pennants stuck in the barrels.

7.   It had been eight years since I had last roamed the aisles of a fabric store, and I was about to make the same mistake.

8.   It has long been an article of faith in the marketing world that customers buy more when they can roam freely through attractively appointed store aisles.

9.   It was so grueling and the plane to the West Coast grew so chilly that the normally placid Bradley roamed the aisles cursing about another cold dinner.

10.   Thanks to the recent proliferation of online grocery services, some consumers have given up roaming the aisles at their local supermarket and order their provisions electronically.

v. + aisle >>共 81
walk 9.42%
roam 6.73%
wander 6.73%
cross 4.48%
up 4.48%
fill 4.04%
have 3.14%
block 3.14%
clog 3.14%
prowl 3.14%
roam + n. >>共 196
street 27.27%
city 5.58%
countryside 3.41%
area 3.41%
country 2.69%
hall 2.27%
ground 1.96%
neighborhood 1.96%
field 1.86%
region 1.86%
aisle 1.55%
每页显示:    共 15