1.   Clearly, reducing the number of road casualties is and has been a priority for the Government for some time.

2.   I mentioned the primary objective of reducing the number of road casualties.

3.   Of course we helped to reduce road casualties by removing toads from the road for Marking.

4.   Our aim is to reduce road casualties.

5.   If so, companies had better get on the highway now or risk becoming a road casualty later.

n. + casualty >>共 122
rebel 32.37%
guerrilla 9.13%
government 7.69%
army 5.77%
battle 3.53%
war 3.04%
troop 3.04%
battlefield 2.24%
coalition 1.44%
police 1.28%
road 0.80%
road + n. >>共 698
trip 18.65%
game 8.73%
accident 5.20%
block 3.47%
race 1.91%
course 1.83%
rage 1.76%
sign 1.72%
condition 1.68%
link 1.62%
casualty 0.07%
每页显示:    共 5