1.   The river drains into a lake.

2.   It focuses on measuring several contaminants for their potential effects on ecosystems along the Texas coast, where the two rivers drain into bays and estuaries.

3.   The nitrogen helps feed algae, which is dangerous to fish and other wildlife, as well as fish in the ocean where the river drains.

4.   The Maas and Waal rivers drained the flood waters into the Netherlands this week.

5.   The Maas and Waal rivers drained the flood waters into the Netherlands.

n. + drain >>共 249
water 8.35%
air 2.86%
doctor 1.91%
account 1.67%
colour 1.67%
voucher 1.67%
tube 1.43%
color 1.43%
blood 1.43%
face 1.19%
river 1.19%
river + v. >>共 314
be 19.99%
overflow 4.59%
flow 4.27%
run 3.88%
rise 3.82%
burst 2.98%
flood 2.20%
have 2.07%
continue 1.55%
become 1.42%
drain 0.32%
每页显示:    共 5