1.   Both Syria and Iraq, which are ruled by rival wings of the pan-Arab Baath Party, have recently improved trade relations and opened their borders.

2.   Both Syria and Iraq, ruled by rival wings of the pan-Arab Baath Party, have recently improved trade relations and opened their borders to exchange visits.

3.   In addition, the Syria and Iraqi governments are headed by rival wings of the Arab socialist Baath party.

4.   Iraq and Syria are led by rival wings of the pan-Arab Baath Party and relations have long been strained.

5.   Iraq and Syria, whose bitter enmity long symbolized the divisions of the Arab world, are ruled by rival wings of the pan-Arab Baath Party.

6.   Iraq and Syria are ruled by rival wings of the pan-Arab Baath Party.

7.   Ruled by rival wings of the Arab Baath Socialist Party, Iraq and Syria have been at odds for more than two decades.

8.   Syria and Iraq are governed by rival wings of the Arab Baath Socialist Party.

9.   Syria and Iraq, ruled by rival wings of the Baath Party, have been feuding for years.

10.   Syria and Iraq are ruled by rival wings of the Baath Arab Socialist Party and have been at odds for more than two decades.

a. + wing >>共 620
military 12.53%
political 11.76%
armed 7.66%
new 3.79%
chicken 3.52%
solar 2.95%
conservative 2.72%
liberal 1.72%
moderate 1.49%
front 1.46%
rival 0.80%
rival + n. >>共 914
faction 12.01%
group 9.61%
party 3.87%
gang 3.84%
leader 1.86%
candidate 1.75%
company 1.74%
militia 1.68%
warlord 1.67%
government 1.62%
wing 0.29%
每页显示:    共 21