1.   Creativity inevitably involves taking risks, and, in Great Groups, it is understood that the risk taker will sometimes stumble.

2.   Intellectual risk takers are the life blood of our school system and provide the vision which we so much need.

3.   And for every risk taker nimbly skipping from career rock to career rock, there are nervous middle managers hanging on.

4.   Barnett began to search for players he called risk takers.

5.   Both men are also pragmatic risk takers, supremely assured and authoritarian, as well as daring innovators.

6.   Both my father and my father-in-law were risk takers and entrepreneurs.

7.   A larger, more formal theater was needed, one that would help establish the risk takers while serving as an incubator for their ideas.

8.   Almost everybody who retires has to be a bit of a risk taker.

9.   By their nature, they are risk takers, flouting conventional wisdom, pridefully standing apart from the mass of investors.

10.   Cole is certainly a risk taker.

n. + taker >>共 46
hostage 22.37%
census 19.47%
risk 12.37%
ticket 6.84%
poll 5.79%
test 5.00%
toll 4.21%
profit 2.89%
wicket 2.11%
drug 1.84%
risk + n. >>共 453
management 9.79%
assessment 5.25%
premium 5.07%
rating 2.89%
taker 2.77%
level 2.42%
analysis 2.24%
profile 2.12%
tolerance 2.00%
issue 1.77%
每页显示:    共 47