1.   Being anonymous is an incentive for companies that do not want to risk the ire of their distributors or manufacturers or do not want to reveal their inventories.

2.   Eastern Queens and Staten Island also happen to be the pockets of the biggest support for Giuliani, who would risk the ire of parents who voted for him.

3.   Moreover, some traders are skeptical the Clinton administration will risk the ire of automakers and other U.S. manufacturers by boosting the dollar during a Presidential election year.

4.   Moreover, some traders are skeptical the Clinton administration will risk the ire of automakers and other U.S. manufacturers by boosting the dollar during an election year.

5.   Neither side can actually risk voter ire by permitting long legislative gridlock this fall.

6.   Now Clinton can do nothing that would risk the ire of Mrs. Clinton.

7.   Of course, the bank would need to ask permission before sharing any data or else risk the ire of its customers, he added.

8.   On foreign policy, risking the ire of Senator Jesse Helms by eschewing Republican isolationism would be a small price to pay for winning over moderate Democrats.

9.   Will he risk the ire of Palestinians by calling a halt to the violence?

10.   Dissidents frequently are tried behind closed doors, and often are denied legal counsel or are unable to find lawyers willing to risk official ire by defending them.

v. + ire >>共 63
draw 35.06%
raise 22.92%
arouse 6.29%
earn 2.92%
provoke 2.70%
risk 2.70%
rouse 2.70%
direct 2.47%
attract 1.57%
stir 1.57%
risk + n. >>共 663
life 19.83%
injury 3.20%
arrest 2.50%
loss 2.23%
death 1.88%
wrath 1.53%
money 1.14%
damage 1.14%
failure 1.01%
career 0.88%
ire 0.53%
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