1.   Yet, overlapping is inevitable whenever risk categories fit easily into more than one compartment.

2.   Junctions have been divided into three categories, three junctions in each of the high and low risk categories and the remaining four junctions in the medium risk category.

3.   Common responses such as smoking, overeating or drinking place people in higher risk categories.

4.   Every patient is taken through an exhaustive evaluation, one that includes the spit test, and placed in risk categories.

5.   Gay black men are in the highest risk category, followed by intravenous drug users.

6.   He said he did not know whether the high risk category was made up of more blacks than whites.

7.   Law enforcement officers who know someone is in a high risk category for unacceptable behavior will monitor that person closely.

8.   Ms. Lowenkron said she was not so much concerned about the minimal risk category because the dangers to the patient were so low.

9.   Novelists are in the highest risk category.

10.   Pediatrician Mark Miller suggests getting your child tested if you are in a high risk category.

n. + category >>共 615
product 5.82%
job 3.44%
year 2.10%
fund 1.75%
age 1.68%
service 1.54%
music 1.47%
weight 1.26%
actress 1.19%
television 1.19%
risk 1.05%
risk + n. >>共 453
management 9.79%
assessment 5.25%
premium 5.07%
rating 2.89%
taker 2.77%
level 2.42%
analysis 2.24%
profile 2.12%
tolerance 2.00%
issue 1.77%
category 0.88%
每页显示:    共 15