1.   In Westchester County, a rising vacancy rate, caused by the relocation of large companies such as IBM and Nynex, is squelching any plans to build.

2.   Rising vacancy rates will then have an impact.

3.   That could result in rising vacancy rates and stagnating or declining rents.

4.   The move is the latest in a string of mergers and joint ventures among mall developers as they try and cope with sluggish retail sales and rising vacancy rates.

5.   The transaction extends a string of mergers and ventures among shopping center companies as they try to cope with sluggish retail sales and rising vacancy rates.

6.   This has caused rising vacancy rates from retailer bankruptcies and store closings.

a. + vacancy >>共 146
coaching 21.60%
managerial 3.40%
head-coaching 3.09%
judicial 2.78%
remaining 2.47%
the 2.47%
high 2.16%
higher 1.85%
rising 1.85%
next 1.23%
rising + n. >>共 868
price 7.48%
cost 6.50%
star 4.16%
rate 3.58%
tension 3.53%
unemployment 3.29%
crime 2.81%
inflation 2.71%
tide 2.62%
number 2.47%
vacancy 0.06%
每页显示:    共 6