1.   A. I was scared that it could possibly rip open or break open or something.

2.   Cameras panned over and over to the Murrah office building, ripped open like a nine-story tin can, or the Beirut skyscrapers a decade ago.

3.   Doctors had discovered a clot, removed it and sewn her back up when her aorta suddenly ripped open, Richens said yesterday.

4.   He allowed three runs in five innings, but a blister on the tip of his middle finger on his pitching hand ripped open in the first inning.

5.   I found the letter ripped open on the ground.

6.   Once ripped open, the man showed my friend the contents.

7.   Payton ripped open his foot on some coral in the spring, then walked away from an accident last month that totaled the BMW his father gave him.

8.   Ready to rip open that cellophane bag?

9.   The fuselage ripped open like flesh before a scalpel.

10.   The skin would rip open and bleed.

v. + open >>共 155
split 6.53%
burst 6.37%
pop 4.52%
pry 4.19%
slide 4.02%
throw 3.35%
crack 3.02%
hang 2.85%
rip 2.68%
leave 2.51%
rip + n. >>共 462
roof 5.71%
hole 3.04%
shot 2.58%
clothes 2.21%
door 1.66%
heart 1.66%
open 1.47%
shirt 1.47%
single 1.47%
team 1.47%
每页显示:    共 16