1.   Thousands of Israeli Arabs demonstrated and then rioted to protest the visit.

2.   Palestinians rioted to protest the building and three Israeli women were killed in a suicide bombing attack at a Tel Aviv cafe.

3.   And a week ago, Catholics rioted to protest the release of a British soldier convicted of murdering a young woman.

4.   Hans Koschnick spoke on German radio a day after hundreds of Bosnian Croats rioted to protest his proposal that they share power with Muslims in the southwestern Bosnian city.

5.   In the past year, asylum seekers held in camps have rioted to protest against their treatment.

6.   Last Thursday, camp residents rioted to protest plans to send them home.

7.   Last month the refugees at Sungei Besi rioted protesting repatriation.

8.   Rioting to protest large gasoline price increases spread across Harare Wednesday after several vehicle were stoned and torched overnight.

9.   Students have rioted to protest noise ordinances, lost football games or university personnel decisions.

10.   The government Thursday imposed a curfew in a district in central Kenya hard hit by politically motivated violence after university students rioted to protest death of a fellow student.

v. + protest >>共 100
call 17.97%
gather 10.14%
resign 9.28%
march 6.67%
strike 4.93%
riot 4.35%
quit 3.48%
boycott 2.03%
organize 1.74%
rally 1.74%
riot + v. >>共 16
protest 45.45%
demand 9.09%
get 6.06%
attack 3.03%
be 3.03%
break_out 3.03%
drown 3.03%
end 3.03%
force 3.03%
have 3.03%
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