1.   Hardly the kind of ringing call to arms to send campaign workers off to do battle with their opponents.

2.   Humphrey, the mayor of Minneapolis, triggered a walk-out by Southern delegates with a ringing call for civil rights.

3.   Instead of endorsing an indefinite extension of the pact, Boutros-Ghali delivered a ringing call for disarmament.

4.   She issued a ringing call for zero tolerance policing and heightened punishment for drug offenders.

5.   The three calamities deliver a ringing call for vigilance.

6.   This is not exactly a ringing call to arms and is not quite what he originally described as his ultimate goal.

7.   With Castro and other senior Cuban officials in the front row at a mid-morning Mass, the pope delivered a ringing call for pluralism here.

8.   Kantor, addressing US business executives here, acknowledged worldwide fears of US agricultural dominance and issued a ringing call for economic justice in the United States.

a. + call >>共 1208
repeated 4.12%
international 3.87%
courtesy 3.71%
long-distance 2.90%
local 2.59%
first 2.58%
emergency 2.15%
bad 1.57%
similar 1.46%
incoming 1.43%
ringing 0.10%
ringing + n. >>共 79
endorsement 29.71%
phone 11.23%
telephone 8.70%
declaration 4.71%
sound 3.26%
tone 2.90%
call 2.90%
bell 2.54%
doorbell 1.81%
phrase 1.81%
每页显示:    共 8