1.   Check that worktops and washbasins are the right height.

2.   Make sure your computer screen is at the right height.

3.   A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.

4.   And logging has converted great stretches of the woods to young forests, where tender leaves and twigs are at just the right height for a moose.

5.   A few feet away, Teddy snuffles around barrels with biscuits piled up at just the right height for a hungry Weimaraner.

6.   Carpal tunnel symptoms are also related to not being positioned to the right height and angle of the computer keyboard.

7.   Cutting grass right also means cutting it the right height.

8.   If you bought a computer with a desktop case, the monitor will sit on top of it at about the right height.

9.   Iron shots can be clipped with a crispness that produces a true flight at just the right height and with lots of spin.

10.   That meant digging a hole in the ground and sticking the camera in the hole and they had to be on their knees so everybody was the right height.

a. + height >>共 374
new 19.37%
strategic 4.65%
same 4.33%
greater 4.26%
great 3.94%
full 2.65%
average 2.65%
dizzying 2.52%
medium 2.13%
record 2.07%
right 0.84%
right + n. >>共 605
knee 6.64%
thing 5.55%
shoulder 3.92%
time 3.52%
leg 3.26%
foot 3.22%
arm 3.13%
direction 2.92%
ankle 2.81%
place 2.25%
height 0.05%
每页显示:    共 13