1.   Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to compensate.

2.   Foreman was cut over his right eye while sparring.

3.   He got a bruising whack in his right eye - the one he uses to peer through his telescope at the stars.

4.   He was born with a white layer of skin over his right eye.

5.   I have good vision in my right eye.

6.   If I remember, he was a dark young fellow, black hair and a squint in his right eye.

7.   It has a fearful chip above the right eye but it can stand a few chips.

8.   Julie struck again, this time catching him just above the right eye, tearing the flesh.

a. + eye >>共 1374
blue 6.24%
left 6.08%
right 5.99%
blind 4.99%
close 3.32%
watchful 3.32%
brown 2.87%
dark 2.57%
human 1.46%
big 1.44%
right + n. >>共 605
knee 6.64%
thing 5.55%
shoulder 3.92%
time 3.52%
leg 3.26%
foot 3.22%
arm 3.13%
direction 2.92%
ankle 2.81%
place 2.25%
eye 2.02%
每页显示:    共 558