1.   Metz Augured in right behind him, breaking an ankle.

2.   There was sudden rush of air and a thump from right behind them.

3.   Yeah right behind your fucking chair!

4.   And how does the car handle when another car is right in front of it or right behind it, spoiling the airflow?

5.   And if one or two high notes emerged with a touch of strain, there were always more right behind them to bring the performance back on track.

6.   And now he has his own show, right behind Letterman.

7.   And right behind him comes his about-to-be sidekick, Arthur, perfectly played by David Burke.

8.   And right behind Curly are Gilligan and the Fonz.

9.   And right behind the teens are the investors, who seem willing to forget the past.

10.   And then everything else will fall in right behind.

n. + behind >>共 1394
point 4.34%
game 3.48%
force 3.04%
reason 1.84%
stroke 1.66%
man 1.45%
support 1.42%
place 1.32%
idea 1.32%
motive 1.29%
right 0.49%
right + p. >>共 108
in 15.67%
for 15.09%
from 5.15%
after 5.05%
as 4.99%
at 4.15%
against 4.08%
by 3.13%
down 3.03%
with 3.02%
behind 1.40%
每页显示:    共 87