1.   And abortion rights advocates, such as Govs.

2.   And while Connecticut animal rights advocates have been successful so far, the state may change the rules here so that they cannot bid on the land next year.

3.   Environmental leaders, abortion rights advocates and even singer Melissa Etheridge are headed to the Northwest this weekend to boost the Gore-Lieberman ticket.

4.   Public housing residents and tenant rights advocates here and throughout the country say the decision is a harsh punishment for poor and elderly residents.

5.   The brunt of repression has fallen on parliamentary opponents, two of whom were briefly detained this week, and independent human rights advocates.

6.   The ruling troubled abortion rights advocates, who noted that at that time Hill was representing himself.

7.   They aim to make term limits a focal issue in key races, much as abortion rights advocates and opponents have done.

8.   Thomas, an animal rights advocate, and Trenary currently share their secluded east Fort Worth house with numerous cats.

9.   Abortion rights advocates offered no opposition.

10.   It has suppressed negative economic news reports and broken up meetings of opposition leaders and consumer rights advocates.

v. + advocate >>共 140
have 10.54%
say 9.52%
anger 4.42%
worry 4.42%
alarm 3.40%
right 3.40%
control 1.70%
include 1.70%
find 1.36%
see 1.36%
right + n. >>共 173
wrong 19.55%
ship 7.27%
group 5.23%
economy 3.18%
activist 2.27%
advocate 2.27%
tackle 2.05%
issue 1.59%
movement 1.36%
back 1.36%
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