1.   For others, especially Mexican immigrants who are suspicious of the PRI, the whole campaign was rigged to favor Zedillo from the beginning.

2.   The game, as he surely knows, has traditionally been rigged to favor Americans of a certain skin color and sex.

3.   The report did not make clear which part of the vote, which the opposition says was rigged to favor President Slobodan Milosevic, had been annulled.

4.   Philippidis claimed games were rigged to favor Olympiakos which has won the last five Greek championships.

5.   Opposition leaders said they had obtained a copy of the program and would use it to illustrate how the vote was rigged to favor Milosevic.

6.   Pantangco said Napocor refused to make public vital documents that would prove their contention that the bidding had been rigged to favor the original proponent IMPSA.

7.   Philippidis claimed games were rigged to favor Olympiakos, which has won the last five Greek championships.

8.   Former Sen. Jean-Robert Martinez, a candidate for the Senate, claimed the vote was rigged to favor Lavalas Family.

9.   It claims the ballot for the vote is rigged to favor statehood.

10.   On Sunday he threatened to withdraw from the electoral process because, he said, it was rigged to favor Cambodian leader Hun Sen.

v. + favor >>共 50
return 12.50%
rig 12.50%
be 8.33%
draw 4.17%
weight 4.17%
pass 3.13%
say 3.13%
beat 2.08%
include 2.08%
redraw 2.08%
rig + v. >>共 49
favor 15.19%
explode 11.39%
ensure 5.06%
keep 3.80%
detonate 2.53%
look 2.53%
exclude 2.53%
eliminate 2.53%
make 2.53%
support 2.53%
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