1.   At Herald Square, many regular PATH riders complained that they had been left in the dark about the service interruption.

2.   But first-time bobsled riders sometimes complain of sore backs or necks.

3.   Riders complain even when they get what they ask for.

4.   Riders complained bitterly that the railroad had misled them, in broadcasts and station announcements, about what to expect.

5.   The foxes would be guarding the henhouse, bus riders complained.

6.   Lisa Anderson of the United States, who had led the event Friday, publicly threatened to withdraw and several other riders privately complained.

7.   Many riders complained that they felt they were being treated as criminals.

8.   Riders complained about slow tire changes, and there were no television screens and few updates for fans at the start-finish line.

9.   Riders complained that hard helmets are heavy and make them sweat, and are uncomfortable on hot mountain climbs.

10.   Many riders complained of a lack of grip on the freshly-scrubbed surface.

n. + complain >>共 945
official 6.16%
critic 3.75%
people 3.67%
resident 3.26%
group 2.84%
leader 2.03%
company 1.64%
player 1.54%
woman 1.48%
worker 1.45%
rider 0.13%
rider + v. >>共 450
be 12.60%
have 5.28%
say 3.73%
take 2.30%
wear 2.03%
go 1.76%
come 1.42%
get 1.08%
use 1.08%
start 0.88%
complain 0.68%
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