1.   But what about the good churchgoing people who consume the fried chicken, potato salad and sinfully rich desserts at church socials?

2.   Chefs from restaurants and hotels all over the country compete with their best regional recipes, with offerings ranging from extravagant stews to sinfully rich desserts.

3.   I am associated with overkill and rich desserts.

4.   If they are not trying to lose weight, Gullo tells clients to ask themselves a question when considering rich desserts.

5.   I wanted mine to be more like a rich dessert.

6.   Menus include Polish kielbasa, chicken, roast beef, potato salad, corn on the cob, vegetables, soft drinks and rich desserts.

7.   Of course, if you have a rich dessert at dinner, you can always dance it off right there in the restaurant.

8.   Panini sandwiches like ham and fontina, pizza, hearty soups and stew, salads, rich desserts.

9.   Seafood, steaks and chops and rich desserts.

10.   She is talking over lunch in a restaurant near her cluttered Simmons College office, attacking a rich chocolate dessert with gusto.

a. + dessert >>共 293
frozen 3.96%
chocolate 3.96%
rich 2.97%
individual 2.31%
favorite 1.98%
sweet 1.65%
traditional 1.49%
simple 1.49%
just 1.49%
fancy 1.32%
rich + n. >>共 1204
country 7.36%
people 4.07%
nation 3.72%
man 3.59%
history 2.27%
tradition 1.26%
source 1.21%
kid 1.06%
guy 1.04%
soil 1.01%
dessert 0.33%
每页显示:    共 18