1.   As for the suites, donors are being rewarded by getting first crack at them.

2.   A Defense Department spokesman, Kenneth Bacon, denied that West rewarded big donors with burial plots at Arlington and other national cemeteries.

3.   Certainly this is not the first administration to reward a donor with a plum position.

4.   Donors are rewarded with special legislation, drafted in such a way that their particular industry will get a tax break.

5.   He rewarded big donors with overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom.

6.   Indeed the entire tax-cut legislation looked like something designed to reward donors.

7.   It was a cost-effective exercise in rewarding existing donors and attracting new ones.

8.   Rewarding political donors with choice ambassadorial appointments is a time-honored tradition in Washington.

9.   The GOP has cited Lawrence as proof of assertions that Clinton rewarded loyal donors with burial rights.

10.   The reason Bush campaigned in California, he said, was to reward the donors who had helped the party.

v. + donor >>共 219
find 9.12%
identify 6.45%
disclose 4.09%
name 3.14%
thank 2.04%
need 1.89%
reward 1.89%
ask 1.89%
attract 1.73%
reimburse 1.73%
reward + n. >>共 538
company 4.99%
effort 3.29%
employee 2.96%
investor 2.83%
people 2.43%
patience 2.10%
player 2.04%
shareholder 1.97%
worker 1.84%
faith 1.38%
donor 0.79%
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