1.   But it is hard to imagine what everybody else will make of this piece of froth, which is essentially an elongated revue sketch.

2.   Can a revue sketch run two and a half hours, including two intermissions, and still be great, zany, some might even suggest serious fun?

3.   Here is an extended revue sketch that mercilessly catalogues the failures of the Soviet experiment while also mourning the loss of the idealism that gave it birth.

4.   This much could be a rather funny revue sketch, suitable for presentation at year-end faculty revels.

5.   Yet the show is more than an extended revue sketch.

n. + sketch >>共 61
police 18.39%
pencil 14.94%
comedy 7.47%
character 6.90%
courtroom 5.17%
oil 3.45%
design 2.87%
parrot 2.87%
revue 2.87%
court 1.72%
revue + n. >>共 4
sketch 55.56%
format 22.22%
form 11.11%
humour 11.11%
每页显示:    共 5