1.   Following the announcement of the revised schedule the premises of the national radio station were briefly occupied by a group of soldiers.

2.   A revised schedule for the development programme has now been agreed with industry and this will be taken into the contract.

3.   A revised schedule of releases will be issued after the shutdown is over.

4.   A revised schedule of releases will be issued after the shutdown ends, said Ehrlich.

5.   But right on its revised schedule, Galileo arrived this week and settled into orbit around the giant planet.

6.   Instead, Judge Dickinson Debevoise of U.S. District Court in Newark ordered the agency to come up with a revised schedule for building replacement housing.

7.   Monsanto now runs MIMI at night so a revised schedule is ready when the human scheduler arrives.

8.   Other tickets will be used for the revised schedule.

9.   Other quirks of the revised schedule include Florida not playing in San Diego at all this season.

a. + schedule >>共 757
busy 5.47%
full 3.65%
tight 3.04%
new 2.87%
hectic 2.55%
regular 2.21%
training 1.85%
normal 1.82%
heavy 1.75%
flexible 1.75%
revised 0.73%
revised + n. >>共 403
version 6.01%
plan 5.29%
figure 3.85%
bill 3.25%
proposal 3.19%
law 3.06%
offer 3.00%
estimate 2.88%
forecast 2.34%
budget 1.86%
schedule 1.80%
每页显示:    共 30