1.   The bishops received word in February that a revised draft would receive Vatican confirmation if it were resubmitted.

2.   The Maastricht agreement broadly followed the revised draft EMU treaty presented in late October.

3.   Adm. Leighton W. Smith, the commander of NATO forces in southern Europe, has told his senior planners to submit revised draft withdrawal plan by this week.

4.   Once the revised draft is finalized, it will be submitted to the Texas Register sometime in January, Jobe says.

5.   The conservative Heritage Foundation objected when Dole and his leading Democratic ally, Sen. J. Bennett Johnston of Louisiana, issued a revised draft of his bill in June.

6.   The South African government Tuesday night presented revised drafts of the proposed conference declaration and action plan to a team of European Union negotiators headed by Belgium.

7.   The South African government Tuesday night presented revised drafts of the proposed conference declaration and action plan to a team of negotiators headed by Belgium.

8.   Three years ago, the board issued a draft version of the proposed rule change, and a revised draft is expected to be released before year-end.

9.   While church leaders continue to speak out on political issues, they no longer employ the open hearings and revised drafts that made the earlier pastoral letters churchwide events.

10.   But a revised draft for the final text circulating Tuesday dropped negotiations on competition and investment, which developing countries had vehemently opposed.

a. + draft >>共 460
first 9.79%
final 6.62%
top 4.86%
new 4.65%
high 3.53%
rough 2.81%
early 2.65%
military 2.57%
amateur 2.17%
earlier 2.09%
revised 0.88%
revised + n. >>共 403
version 6.01%
plan 5.29%
figure 3.85%
bill 3.25%
proposal 3.19%
law 3.06%
offer 3.00%
estimate 2.88%
forecast 2.34%
budget 1.86%
draft 1.32%
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