1.   The patient care records are reviewed against the established criteria.

2.   Along with lawmakers, lawyers for the Justice Department, which is pursuing a criminal investigation of tobacco makers, will be reviewing the records.

3.   Also, the hospital now requires an operating surgeon and senior nurse to document that all patient records have been reviewed before surgery.

4.   And the company is reviewing the records of those already receiving benefits to determine if some may no longer be eligible to receive them.

5.   As an editorial board we interview candidates when possible, review records and do other checking where appropriate.

6.   As the statute prescribes, the court then reviewed the record for prejudicial errors and independently weighed the aggravating and mitigating circumstances.

7.   At the request of The Times, four obstetricians with no connection to the case reviewed the records, on the condition that their names not be used.

8.   Besides paying the fine, Josephthal agreed to hire a consultant to review its record keeping procedures and adopt any recommendations made by the consultant.

9.   A senior police official said on Wednesday that the department was reviewing records to see if certain incidents mentioned by Fuhrman on the tapes actually took place.

10.   A spokesman said the Air Force would not comment until it could review records.

v. + record >>共 728
have 11.38%
set 9.81%
keep 6.68%
break 6.42%
hold 2.03%
defend 1.69%
check 1.59%
reach 1.58%
hit 1.52%
make 1.41%
review 1.26%
review + n. >>共 994
case 6.63%
decision 2.82%
policy 2.14%
situation 2.10%
plan 1.99%
evidence 1.76%
report 1.74%
progress 1.73%
proposal 1.66%
document 1.33%
record 1.23%
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