1.   An income tax cut could boost the economy and push the government to issue new bonds to cover any revenue shortfall that might result.

2.   An income tax cut could boost the economy and push the government to sell new bonds to cover any resulting revenue shortfall.

3.   Atlanta organizers say enough money has already been raised that any revenue shortfall over the nine months remaining before opening ceremonies would not jeopardize any fundamental Olympic activities.

4.   Both ministers cited revenue shortfalls caused by a slowdown in economic growth since their respective budgets were approved.

5.   A real trust fund would contain assets that could be sold in financial markets as money is needed to finance Social Security revenue shortfalls.

6.   But he believes that local and state governments, facing revenue shortfalls and budget cuts, will soon start pressing Washington for relief.

7.   But history shows that presidents and Congresses are more willing to raise taxes in the event of a revenue shortfall than they are to cut entitlements.

8.   But Jonas V. Alsenas, the biotech analyst at ING Barings LLC, said Biogen could easily make up the Avonex revenue shortfall in the second and third quarter.

9.   But the unprecedented revenue shortfall means that portions of that agenda will have to be put on hold in the short term, Martin said.

10.   By the same token, special interest groups managed to kill nearly every proposal for increasing other kinds of taxes to cover an expected revenue shortfall.

n. + shortfall >>共 81
budget 24.69%
revenue 17.99%
earnings 15.27%
cash 4.18%
profit 2.93%
supply 2.93%
trade 2.72%
tax 2.51%
year 2.30%
energy 2.09%
revenue + n. >>共 335
growth 14.31%
stream 8.22%
source 6.77%
shortfall 3.88%
collection 3.52%
loss 3.02%
figure 2.98%
projection 2.89%
estimate 2.48%
increase 2.17%
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