1.   Government revenues fell as the slump reduced taxation yields, while public spending rose as unemployment benefit payments rocketed.

2.   Although slower growth is generally positive for bonds, because it reduces the likelihood of accelerating inflation, it also can raise concern government revenues will fall.

3.   Although officials emphasized that taxes would not rise to finance the stadium, taxpayers could ultimately be liable if revenues fall short.

4.   And the tax cut is already coming back to haunt Congress as revenues fall, endangering the balanced budget, the proposed military buildup and important domestic priorities.

5.   As a result of an expected economic slowdown this year, tax revenue will fall and the government is also now in the process of cutting its spending plans.

6.   As revenues fell, cash rolled out of the city treasury like there was a hole in the bag.

7.   A German government warning that tax revenue would fall short of projections boosted the dollar.

8.   Additionally, state tax revenues fell.

9.   But ad revenues fell short of expectations.

10.   But by the end of the following year, New York City government revenues had fallen sharply, including toll collections, since there were fewer commuters into Manhattan.

n. + fall >>共 780
stock 13.74%
price 10.50%
share 3.30%
dollar 3.28%
bond 2.62%
rain 2.34%
future 1.95%
rate 1.52%
snow 1.34%
sale 1.19%
revenue 0.36%
revenue + v. >>共 248
be 24.69%
fall 7.09%
come 5.02%
grow 3.60%
increase 3.37%
rise 3.25%
go 3.13%
decline 2.84%
help 2.01%
drop 1.71%
每页显示:    共 119