1.   Heat until bubbly, then return pork to the pan and cook until chops are cooked through.

2.   Return pork to pot, add undrained tomatoes, green chilies, parsley, cilantro, cumin, oregano, sugar, salt, wine and broth.

3.   Return the pork to the pan along with the potatoes.

4.   Reduce the heat to low and return the pork to the pan, pressing the tenderloins down slightly into the cabbage.

5.   Return pork to Dutch oven.

6.   Return pork, fat side up, to skillet.

7.   Return the pork to the pan and spoon some of the onions over the top.

8.   Return the pork to the pan.

v. + pork >>共 130
eat 10.86%
add 6.31%
remove 5.81%
place 2.78%
serve 2.78%
buy 2.53%
put 2.53%
cut 2.27%
sell 2.27%
transfer 2.27%
return 2.02%
return + n. >>共 653
call 22.10%
fire 11.62%
message 5.15%
money 3.11%
favor 2.38%
body 1.37%
refugee 1.14%
punt 1.09%
home 0.98%
verdict 0.95%
pork 0.07%
每页显示:    共 8