1.   But on Friday, returning home a little early, I saw Tony again, behind the garage.

2.   For Shapiro, returning home means not only dealing with the current crisis, but with the life she abandoned.

3.   Instead, returning home, I decided to tough it out.

4.   Li did not say that his government planned to downgrade relations formally, but rather that he was returning home for consultations.

5.   Returning home Wednesday, residents found their homes standing.

6.   Returning home Thursday, Daniel Neal seemed in good spirits after waking up from a nap Thursday afternoon.

7.   Returning home late one afternoon, he spies his sister in the bathroom with Dad engaged in something seemingly sexual.

8.   Park will also meet with leading Japanese business leaders before returning home Saturday.

9.   A losing contestant on a Swedish show based on the same idea committed suicide after returning home two years ago.

10.   After the attack, the children were taken to their school in Gush Katif bloc of Jewish settlements rather than being returned home to nearby Kfar Darom settlement.

v. + home >>共 42
return 28.87%
fly 8.45%
drive 7.75%
bring 7.75%
head 7.04%
go 3.52%
send 2.82%
take 2.82%
come 2.11%
exist 1.41%
return + v. >>共 59
be 39.89%
home 22.40%
find 1.64%
bring 1.64%
mean 1.64%
use 1.64%
provide 1.09%
help 1.09%
look 1.09%
make 1.09%
每页显示:    共 41