1.   Bring to a boil and return chops to skillet.

2.   Return chops to skillet, cover tightly and reduce heat to low.

3.   Return the chops to the pan in a single layer, and cover each chop with onions.

4.   Return the chops to the pan, spoon sauce over the top, and when reheated serve.

v. + chops >>共 69
lick 20.30%
bust 6.09%
have 6.09%
remove 6.09%
place 5.58%
serve 4.57%
add 3.05%
transfer 3.05%
cook 2.54%
coat 2.03%
return 2.03%
return + n. >>共 653
call 22.10%
fire 11.62%
message 5.15%
money 3.11%
favor 2.38%
body 1.37%
refugee 1.14%
punt 1.09%
home 0.98%
verdict 0.95%
chops 0.04%
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