1.   Hence retinoic acid does not seem to alter the relative growth and elaboration of rhombomeres, but induces changes in their identity.

2.   But neither form of retinoic acid reduced the number of precancerous cells.

3.   Embryonic stem cells can be driven to develop into nerve cells by exposing them to the chemical known as retinoic acid.

4.   Liazal is a new type of drug which works by increasing the amount of naturally occurring retinoic acid in the body.

5.   Standard practice for treating APL at Memorial is to first give retinoic acid and other chemotherapy and later arsenic if the first drugs fail.

6.   The stem cells were treated with retinoic acid to turn them into nerve cells.

7.   To grow, cells lining the lungs need retinoic acid to produce a protein, retinoic acid receptor-beta.

8.   Vitamin A and beta carotene, a more basic form of the vitamin, are already converted by the body into retinoic acid.

9.   In experiments so far, his team removed stem cells from cords and then used retinoic acid and growth hormones to transform them into immature nerve cells.

10.   Varying the concentration of activin and combining it with other agents such as retinoic acid brings forth different genetic instructions in the cells.

n. + acid >>共 97
stomach 20.48%
battery 8.03%
aristolochic 5.62%
retinoic 4.02%
ursodeoxycholic 3.61%
betulinic 3.21%
domoic 2.81%
eicosapentaenoic 2.81%
lithocholic 2.41%
chenodeoxycholic 2.01%
retinoic + n. >>共 3
acid 83.33%
receptor 8.33%
receptor-beta 8.33%
每页显示:    共 10