1.   Biometrics is the science of identifying a person by physical attribute, like fingerprints, retinal scans or voice patterns.

2.   DNA, retinal scans and face-recognition cameras are technologies that can help catch criminals if the public is willing to give away some privacy rights.

3.   Everyone is identified by retinal scans, for both business and advertising purposes.

4.   One of the sickest occurs when the blinded Anderton is hiding out from spidery minirobots that perform retinal scans.

5.   The proposal would include medical and disability information as well as encoded biometric identifiers like retinal scans and fingerprints.

6.   The state legislature has taken a sudden interest in who does what with your fingerprints, voice patterns and retinal scans.

7.   You need a retinal scan to enter these plants.

8.   The report says online registration would have to rely on such techniques as fingerprints and retinal scans to verify the identity of the person registering.

a. + scan >>共 98
pet 16.29%
optical 7.69%
quick 5.43%
retinal 3.62%
new 2.71%
initial 2.26%
second 2.26%
visual 1.81%
dual 1.81%
single 1.81%
retinal + n. >>共 44
cell 12.62%
detachment 8.74%
scan 7.77%
hemorrhage 5.83%
surgeon 4.85%
damage 3.88%
display 3.88%
scanner 3.88%
surgery 2.91%
tissue 2.91%
每页显示:    共 8