1.   Another proposed reform with strong popular support is the ban on executing mentally retarded inmates.

2.   After all, this is a state that has asked the court for permission to keep executing mentally retarded inmates.

3.   After all, this is the state that has asked the court for permission to keep executing mentally retarded inmates.

4.   Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Virginia each executed four retarded inmates, according to the Death Penalty Information Center, a nonprofit organization in Washington.

5.   Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Virginia each executed four retarded inmates and South Carolina executed three, according to the center.

6.   But it does mean a reprieve for mentally retarded inmates on death row nationwide.

7.   Eighteen states that have the death penalty now bar executing retarded inmates.

8.   Morales criticized Sanchez for supporting a bill that would have banned the execution of mentally retarded inmates.

9.   One of those rulings barred the execution of mentally retarded inmates.

10.   President Bush, who oversaw the executions of two mentally retarded inmates while he was Texas governor, reversed course last summer and now opposes the practice.

a. + inmate >>共 402
fellow 10.18%
former 6.69%
the 4.85%
female 3.20%
condemned 2.78%
new 1.89%
retarded 1.78%
leftist 1.66%
camp 1.60%
male 1.60%
retarded + n. >>共 61
people 15.81%
man 10.00%
inmate 9.68%
killer 7.74%
person 7.42%
child 7.10%
defendant 4.84%
woman 3.87%
daughter 2.58%
adult 2.26%
每页显示:    共 30