1.   Most retailers expect sales to be up slightly compared with last year.

2.   The retailer also expects support and this was visibly given.

3.   Retailers expect a bigger improvement in June, but their expectations have proved to be over-optimistic in the past two months.

4.   Although many retailers expect these gift-buying glitches, most accept only unopened games for exchange.

5.   As recently as September, retailers had expected solid sales through the holidays and ordered merchandise accordingly.

6.   As recently as September, retailers had expected solid sales through the holidays.

7.   Before Christmas, of course, comes Thanksgiving, and some retailers are expecting that holiday to resonate more than usual this year.

8.   A subdued sales gain last month helps explain why retailers expect bigger increases in December as the holidays draw closer.

9.   But most retailers expect the seekers of these rare wines to fill out their orders with quantities of other, less exclusive but almost as expensive wines.

10.   But labor experts said Wal-Mart and other retailers should expect more battles like the one in Merrill.

n. + expect >>共 639
analyst 17.66%
company 7.40%
investor 4.77%
official 4.58%
trader 3.97%
economist 3.50%
people 3.34%
government 1.78%
expert 1.70%
observer 1.64%
retailer 0.31%
retailer + v. >>共 640
be 9.28%
say 9.26%
report 7.18%
have 5.05%
sell 1.56%
offer 1.37%
see 1.31%
use 1.28%
expect 1.23%
continue 1.12%
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