1.   If treatment was applied to the generality of elderly people with hypertension these conflicting trial results suggest four possible outcomes.

2.   One might think that the business interests would have more sway, but the results suggest otherwise.

3.   Our results also suggest that awareness is not enough to change behaviour.

4.   Results suggest that diet is very important.

5.   The result suggested dogged industry, rather than heroic improvisation.

6.   These mixed results suggest that short selling restrictions are not the main cause of mispricings.

7.   These preliminary results suggest the desirability of looking beyond the female labour Market for an adequate characterization of economic influences on fertility.

n. + suggest >>共 931
report 7.64%
study 5.15%
official 4.73%
evidence 3.27%
poll 3.07%
analyst 2.70%
research 2.16%
expert 1.39%
datum 1.22%
finding 1.22%
result 1.16%
result + v. >>共 364
be 63.25%
show 3.39%
come 2.00%
suggest 1.14%
indicate 1.12%
mean 1.12%
leave 1.01%
have 0.95%
reflect 0.87%
expect 0.83%
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