1.   All but one of those released have been placed under heavy restriction orders.

2.   A family member said Sandar Win, while not arrested, was under a restriction order amounting to house detention.

3.   Besides slapping errant factory operators with restriction orders, Jalaluddin said the department had taken effluent samples for analysis.

4.   The military government informed Mrs. Suu Kyi on Monday that the government would lift the nearly six-year-old restriction order without preconditions.

5.   The letter did not make clear when such a restriction order had been issued, or to how many people.

6.   There was no word if the government planned to take action against him for breaches of the restriction order announced by President Frederick Chiluba on Wednesday.

7.   Surviving numerous arrests and restriction orders, he urged Indians and coloureds not to be co-opted into a system that excluded the black majority.

n. + order >>共 803
factory 5.35%
government 4.68%
world 3.41%
evacuation 3.37%
deportation 3.20%
sell 3.16%
goods 2.91%
arrest 1.90%
buy 1.85%
limit 1.73%
restriction 0.17%
restriction + n. >>共 44
site 15.49%
order 11.27%
fragment 7.04%
polymorphism 5.63%
analysis 2.82%
plan 2.82%
set 2.82%
disadvantage 1.41%
downtown 1.41%
duplication 1.41%
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