1.   After living on takeout and restaurant fare, many younger people have realized they want to learn this skill.

2.   But Americans often think of it as restaurant fare, too daunting to make from scratch, let alone for company.

3.   But Americans often think of it as restaurant fare, too daunting to make from scratch.

4.   But few food purveyors have found a formula that profitably combines the quality of sit-down restaurant fare with convenience, an appealing selection, and reasonable prices.

5.   In the Great Lakes region, yellow perch was popular as restaurant fare and as a staple of American Legion fish fries.

6.   More recipes that duplicate restaurant fare can be found on the Internet.

7.   Most of the restaurant fare in Montauk is greasy, overcooked or fried.

8.   Once folks have tried convenience products and sampled some restaurant fare, Zelman urges cooking up one new whole-grain recipe a week at home.

9.   Restaurant fare is diverse and increasingly sophisticated.

10.   Sprinkled among the offerings are several personl favorites - some copycat versions of restaurant fare - that win high praise from friends and family alike.

n. + fare >>共 303
air 31.06%
bus 7.65%
business 2.91%
discount 2.84%
taxi 2.77%
airline 2.30%
cab 2.10%
train 1.83%
transport 1.49%
coach 1.35%
restaurant 0.95%
restaurant + n. >>共 503
owner 13.50%
chain 9.76%
business 5.35%
worker 3.02%
manager 2.98%
menu 2.66%
meal 2.05%
kitchen 1.87%
company 1.79%
critic 1.72%
fare 0.50%
每页显示:    共 14