1.   The responsibility for failure rests upon the one who fails.

2.   If any causal responsibility rests with the employer, he will be liable.

3.   The responsibility now rests with local councils rather than the Government.

4.   And he promised to determine where mistakes were made and where the responsibility for them rested.

5.   Before that, however, the budget must be settled, and the responsibility for that rests largely with Germany.

6.   All the responsibility rests on her shoulders.

7.   Burns said the ultimate responsibility rests with him because he makes the decisions.

8.   But heavy responsibility also rests with Protestant politicians, including David Trimble of the mainstream Ulster Unionist Party.

9.   But responsibility for that rests with Raiders linebacker Elijah Anderson, who was ejected for his cheap shot.

10.   In the end, though, the real responsibility rests with the user.

n. + rest >>共 718
decision 8.21%
defense 3.39%
prosecution 2.91%
power 2.26%
responsibility 1.90%
case 1.67%
matter 1.61%
head 1.43%
hope 1.37%
authority 1.25%
responsibility + v. >>共 154
be 31.62%
lie 8.70%
include 7.11%
come 4.04%
fall 4.04%
rest 3.92%
have 2.33%
go 1.84%
make 1.59%
change 1.23%
每页显示:    共 32