1.   Teaching values to the young is always a tough job, and the ultimate responsibility falls on parents.

2.   The responsibility usually falls on the mother.

3.   That responsibility falls on the local office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

4.   And that responsibility does indeed fall squarely on him.

5.   And when parents are unable to help, the responsibility falls to the rest of society.

6.   At the moment of the assassination, two responsibilities fell to Peres.

7.   Because professional astronomers are often too busy with their own research to help verify discoveries, the responsibility invariably falls on experienced amateurs.

8.   But Bates added that the responsibility falls to Lett.

9.   But generally that has been seen as having little effect, and the responsibility has fallen almost entirely on the INS.

10.   Cornerbacks Aeneas Williams and Corey Chavous will be important cogs, Madden said, but he said equal responsibility likely will fall on safeties Tommy Bennett and Kwamie Lassiter.

n. + fall >>共 780
stock 13.74%
price 10.50%
share 3.30%
dollar 3.28%
bond 2.62%
rain 2.34%
future 1.95%
rate 1.52%
snow 1.34%
sale 1.19%
responsibility 0.10%
responsibility + v. >>共 154
be 31.62%
lie 8.70%
include 7.11%
come 4.04%
fall 4.04%
rest 3.92%
have 2.33%
go 1.84%
make 1.59%
change 1.23%
每页显示:    共 33