1.   The international community response varied in these examples.

2.   But our responses to each vary less than you might think.

3.   More intriguing still, their responses vary depending on where they were raised.

4.   Responses varied but none offered a viable answer.

5.   The responses varied.

6.   The response never varied.

7.   The response has varied in different agricultural centers, said John Bailey, a Georgetown University professor.

8.   The Russian response has varied from agency to agency.

9.   Responses varied sharply for city dwellers and rural residents.

10.   Their responses about it varied.

n. + vary >>共 929
price 6.22%
rate 3.25%
opinion 2.15%
estimate 1.96%
cost 1.84%
result 1.75%
time 1.59%
number 1.53%
rule 1.47%
fee 1.47%
response 0.31%
response + v. >>共 293
be 68.00%
come 3.12%
seem 1.05%
reflect 0.81%
show 0.69%
have 0.65%
suggest 0.57%
go 0.57%
help 0.53%
make 0.53%
vary 0.41%
每页显示:    共 10