1.   Responses ranged from the highly personal and impressionistic to the densely analytical.

2.   Congregational responses have ranged from establishing ecology discussion groups and encouraging home recycling to demanding action from public officials and cleaning up local streets and rivers.

3.   Increasingly, it seems, that response ranges from indifference to amusement to enthusiastic embrace.

4.   Responses can range from a report to an arrest.

5.   The responses range from the blue chips like NationsBank to beat-up oil field stocks like Maverick Tube.

6.   The responses ranged widely.

7.   Those responses could range from putting elite troops on the ground to surgical strikes with cruise missiles to a tactical nuclear strike, say the experts.

8.   When she surveys them in more depth, the responses range from negative to hostile.

9.   Democrats on the panel welcomed the initiative, but Republican response ranged from wary to outright opposed.

10.   Responses ranged from deaths in the family to being the child of a gang member.

n. + range >>共 879
topic 1.71%
reaction 1.50%
color 1.16%
charge 1.16%
sentence 1.11%
estimate 1.03%
injury 1.03%
problem 0.99%
symptom 0.99%
wide 0.94%
response 0.43%
response + v. >>共 293
be 68.00%
come 3.12%
seem 1.05%
reflect 0.81%
show 0.69%
have 0.65%
suggest 0.57%
go 0.57%
help 0.53%
make 0.53%
range 0.41%
每页显示:    共 10