1.   Eight hours after admission he suddenly deteriorated, with severe respiratory distress and increasing left chest signs.

2.   The majority signs of Oslerus infection are respiratory distress and a rasping cough, especially after exercise.

3.   But what about people who say they suffered respiratory distress from the dust cloud kicked up by the collapse of the World Trade Center, he asked?

4.   Changes like these have long made springtime synonymous with respiratory distress in Beijing.

5.   Hantavirus, which is usually transmitted by field rodents or their droppings, causes pneumonia, respiratory distress and high fever and can kill a patient quickly.

6.   He noted that the wheezing and other forms of respiratory distress can be so intense as to make it almost impossible to concentrate on schoolwork.

7.   He was born premature and had respiratory distress syndrome.

8.   In its later stages, anthrax can cause severe respiratory distress because fluid accumulates in the pleural covering of the lungs and compresses them.

9.   In newborns, group B strep can cause pneumonia, respiratory distress, meningitis and bloodstream infection.

10.   It worked better, but by the weekend, she was beset by respiratory distress.

a. + distress >>共 134
emotional 29.15%
economic 9.52%
financial 9.24%
respiratory 4.62%
great 3.61%
acute 2.16%
severe 2.16%
psychological 2.02%
gastrointestinal 2.02%
mental 1.59%
respiratory + n. >>共 111
problem 24.27%
infection 16.52%
failure 9.52%
ailment 6.75%
illness 6.62%
disease 6.12%
tract 4.85%
distress 2.02%
therapist 1.51%
condition 1.32%
每页显示:    共 32