1.   It will produce the hard data needed to analyse resource utilisation and will trigger an alarm mechanism allowing managers to control access.

2.   These modules cover accident and emergency procedures, the anatomy and physiology of animals, an introduction to plants, and a new module in sustainable resource utilisation.

3.   THE centralising of computer systems is being revitalised to reduce maintenance costs as well as increase the efficiency of system management, security and resource utilisation.

4.   These measures were taken against the background of evidence of continuing strength in the economic expansion and high levels of resource utilisation.

n. + utilisation >>共 11
capacity 40.74%
resource 14.81%
land 7.41%
rain 7.41%
water 7.41%
aircraft 3.70%
asset 3.70%
gas 3.70%
grassland 3.70%
network 3.70%
resource + n. >>共 254
management 7.01%
development 6.06%
stock 5.84%
company 4.99%
center 4.89%
manager 4.25%
allocation 3.93%
centre 2.76%
officer 1.91%
department 1.81%
utilisation 0.43%
每页显示:    共 4