1.   The herring gulls are local resident birds, and great opportunists, able to change their feeding habits to whatever is available.

2.   They are the most familiar of all our diving ducks and there are resident birds to be found in most parts of Scotland.

3.   Along both sides of the trail you will also enjoy the natural flora and the chirping of resident birds.

4.   Another resident bird that provides a great attraction to the public is the white-faced ibis, a long, slender bird, almost prehistoric looking.

5.   All the ducks my son Jeff and I shot in several outings were mallards, and most were resident birds.

6.   This season takes place after migratory geese have passed through and is aimed at burgeoning populations of resident birds.

7.   The resident birds use them year after year.

8.   The site is an important refuge and feeding ground for many species of resident birds, as well as several migratory species from Northern Asia.

a. + bird >>共 825
migratory 4.69%
dead 3.84%
rare 3.23%
wild 3.09%
infected 2.49%
small 2.31%
exotic 2.20%
migrating 1.71%
big 1.56%
large 1.46%
resident 0.28%
resident + n. >>共 364
status 9.11%
alien 6.70%
coordinator 2.62%
crew 2.41%
manager 2.41%
company 1.99%
representative 1.99%
assistant 1.88%
foreigner 1.47%
adviser 1.36%
bird 0.84%
每页显示:    共 8